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Saturday 13th November is World Kindness Day. But kindness should be celebrated every day.

💚 Make kindness your new habit💚

kindness takes many forms -

- The words we use to support others

- The smile as you walk past a stranger

- Holding the door open for the person behind you

- Paying a compliment

- Asking “Are you Ok”

- A phone call to let your friends / family know you are thinking of them

Kindness doesn’t cost anything and it goes a LOOOOONNNNG way!!

This is right time to remind you all of the impact you have in the world around you and the people who are in your world.

So many people around you are struggling with their mental health and the sad truth is that you probably don’t know.

Kindness works both ways - the more you give, the better you feel and the more you will receive in return.

How do you feel when someone walks past you in a street, they tilt their head and say “good morning”? I don’t know about you, but it actually makes my day And not enough people do this anymore.

Remember Aesop Fables???

And the moral of the story is …. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”

Get out there and spread kindness like confetti 🎉 🥰

What do you do to spread kindness? What has someone else done to make your day?


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